Search in the box above, or scroll through the plants below, and click on a plant name to go to that page.
Giant leather fern
Large leafed sensitive plant
Variegated taro
Water hawthorne
Variegated giant reed
Mexican butterfly weed
Variegated rush
Flowering rush
Marsh marigold
Canna Australia
Canna Bengal Tiger, Canna Pretoria
Canna Black Knight
Canna endeavor
Canna erebus
Canna Ra
Canna taney
Canna orange King Humbert
Orange punch Canna
Canna peach delight
Canna pink sunburst
Canna striped beauty
Bowles golden sedge
Carex testacea
Orange sedge
Green taro
Violet stemmed taro
Imperial taro
Black magic taro
Black marble taro
Bog lily, swamp lily
Red bog lily, Red swamp lily
Medium umbrella palm
Umbrella palm
Mexican Cyperus
Dwarf cyperus
Giant papyrus
Dwarf giant papyrus, King Tut papyrus
Giant star grass
Marble queen radicans
(needs pond card)
Water hyacinth
Spike rush
Horsetail rush
Horsetail dwarf rush
Water snowball
Red night water hibiscus
Red water hibiscus
White Large Water Hibiscus
Houttuynia chameleon
Water poppy
Variegated pennywort
Variegated spider lily
Spider lily
Red iris
Japanese iris
Japanese variegated Iris
Black gamecock iris
Colorific iris
Dixie Deb iris
King Creole iris
Professor Claude iris
Sea Wisp iris
Yellow iris
Blue Iris
Common rush
Goldstrike rush
Corkscrew blue medusa rush
Blue rush
Pink Small Flower Water Hibiscus
Duck weed
Cardinal flower
Pink cardinal flower
Ludwigia sedioides
Mosaic Plant
Variegated four leaf clover
Four leaf clover
Large Leaf Water Mint
Bog Bean
Lavender monkey flower
Parrot’s feather
Myriophyllum papillosum
Dwarf Parrot’s Feather
Sensitive plant
Orange snowflake
Yellow snowflake
White Large Snowflake
Variegated water celery
Golden club
Arrow Arum
Strawberries and cream ribbon grass
Golden reed
Candy striped reed
Obedient plant
Water lettuce
Rosette water lettuce
Variegated water lettuce
Red plantain
Pickerel Weed
White pickerel weed
Pink pickerel weed
Star grass
Mexican bluebells
Pink chi chi Mexican petunia
Blue bells 'Compacta'
Mexican pink petunia
Compacta white blue bell
Bloody dock
Crushed ice Sagittaria
Double flowering arrowhead
Narrow leaf sagittaria
Aztec arrowhead
Lizard tail
Three square rush
Giant bullrush
Peace lily
(needs pond card)
Hardy water canna
Red stemmed thalia
Society garlic
Variegated society garlic
Narrow leaf cattail
Zebratail cattail
Graceful cattail
Dwarf cattail
Variegated cattail
Zephyr lily