Common Name: Barbara Barnette
Barbara Barnette was The President of the American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta in 1997 when Denver Botanic Gardens held the IWGS New Waterlily competition. She was visiting the Gardens and fell in love with one of the tropical waterlilies we entered into the competition. Joe Tomocik suggested that we name the waterlily after her which we did.
This tropical waterlily was a chance seedling with one of the parents being Albert Greenberg.
The characteristic that makes this waterlily unique is the fact that the foliage is different from any other autumn shade lily on the market. The foliage is heavily mottled with maroon streaks running throughout the pads.
Scientific name: Nymphaea x 'Barbara Barnette'
Hardiness: Tropical
Flower Color: Autumn
Pad Color: Green with purple mottling
Size: Medium large
Hybridizer: Florida Aquatic Nurseries 1997